
Archive for the ‘Ícones’ Category

He-Man: Diamond Ray Of Disappearance – (*ESL)

1 de August de 2009 Leave a comment

Well, I bring to You, One of the better cartoons all of the times; He-Man. 8)
Hunf, sure, first, I hope that you Like it as me, do you like?

So, as We were talking about, what we like a lot, why can’t We take advantage and talk a little bit in English, hum? 🙂
Let’s talk in English and really learn this fantastic language, looking for a new deals, grow up in many aspects!

Come on!!!

So, this cartoons is really awesome!
I don’t remember of all my life who is before when I was a kid, of course, but I remember this cartoon very well.
It’s came with for loong time… rssrs…
So, stay you are, don’t worry about nothing, turn off the light, take your can of Coke and really enjoy! 😀
I hope it…

Just an Important Point about a detail present here:
I’ll put together the Subject this Words ‘ (*ESL) ‘, always that I’m talking about Learn English Alone! Ok?
Do You know what It mean, is not?
English as a Second Language. 🙂

Because here, as a great example, I’m don’t just talking about this cartoon, but firstly, I’m talking about Learn and Improve your English. Are You understandig me?
Ok… I know you are… 😉
So, enjoy!

He-Man: Diamond Ray Of Disappearance

Google Wave is Comming!

5 de June de 2009 Leave a comment

If You really like of Internet, stay major part of your time on line,
You must have listened something about this issue.
The New Service of Google Company is Comming!
Yes, there is a fact about it, I know too;
The Google will dominate the World! … But I do not knew that it would be so early.

Well, let jokes out of, the developers that company created a new Product, or Service, as you want, called Google Wave.
This new application allow us work with photos, email, instant messages, videos, so on, all together and through of one unique interface.
Sincerely, for us, that stayed much time in front of our computer Nerd and using this type of service, it will be amazing! 😀

So, I won’t go ahead with words because many informations has been published into the internet. However, if You want know everything now, you could watch the video bellow, which is complete, or find the same issue in various blogs, websites, etc, at the internet.

For finish, it will be release betimes.
Just wait! 😉

New Speech of President Obama at Cairo

4 de June de 2009 Leave a comment

First of all, I’d like to say: I like so much of this man as President!
He’s very focused, very inteligent, has much knowledge about that really matter of policy…
He’s, based on your speeches, really human…
So on… I like so much him as President! 🙂

So, this video below was published today at the Blog of President Obama.
He talked about the War between America and part of Radical Muslims, about the Power of People related to that, about actions and attitude, all of this as a unique focus; The End of War!

As I told above, I like so much him as President, but the other thing that I like too, I talking as student, is how He speak.
He don’t speak very fast. It’s more easy for us understand and, consequently, improve our vocabulary.
Do You understand me? 😉
Well, enough to speak…
Let’s go watch again this speech. 🙂
Good Session for You too!

Ps: As I have been saying, if You found anything wrong, please, reported it for me and help to improve my english. Thank you in advance! 😉

Fantástico Comercial da PanAmericana de Artes…

18 de February de 2009 Leave a comment

Os caras realmente mandam muito bem mesmo!
No meu ponto de vista, acertaram na mosca!

A mensagem proposta é muito clara.
Não tem meio termo.
Não deixa dúvidas.

Tipo, invista agora no seu talento!

Palmas para eles!
‘Assiste aí’… 8)

Blog da Lívia

"A Viagem do Elefante" – De José Saramago…

27 de November de 2008 Leave a comment

O pessoal do programa “Metrópolis“, nessa semana, fez uma entrevista com o escritor português José Saramago.
Durante essa entrevista, conduzida por Manuel da Costa Pinto, além de terem conversado sobre o úlltimo filme lançado e escrito por José Saramago, Ensaio Sobre a Cegueira, falaram também sobre o novo livro do escritor que está para ser lançado aqui no Brasil em breve, A viagem do elefante, que conta a história real de uma viagem épica de um elefante asiático que, no século 16, viajou de Lisboa para Viena.

O final do livro foi escrito em Lanzarote (Ilhas Canárias).
Inclusive, local esse onde ele se recuperou de uma doença respiratória grave, que quase lhe tirou a vida.

Esse novo trabalho tem aproximadamente 240 páginas e, a princípio, chegará aos leitores das línguas portuguesa e espanhola.

Nas palavras de sua tradutora e mulher, Pilar del Río, “A viagem do elefante” é um livro no qual entram e saem personagens que estão nos manuais de história junto com personagens anônimos, pessoas vão se cruzando e compartilham perplexidades, esforços ou a harmoniosa alegria de um teto.

“A viagem do elefante” foi concluída neste fim de semana.

Nota: Nessa semana o escritor recebe uma homenagem da Acadêmia Brasileira de Letras por todo trabalho feito por ele, apreciado em todo o mundo inclusive.

Assitam a entrevista.
José Saramago se mostra, apesar dos problemas de saúde que teve/tem, além de tudo, em pequenos detalhes, tão sábio como sempre.
Muito bacana. 8)

Homenagem à Dercy Gonçalves

21 de July de 2008 1 comment

Vai toma no Cú seu Filho da Puta do Caralho,
Maldito, Sem Vergonha, Pinto Mole, Banguéla,
Lazarento da Porra, Mãe da Mula, Arregaçado,
Cara de Cú do Avesso, Chupador de Bága, Safado,
Pilantra, Salafrário, Rabujento, Indecente, Escarrado,
Requenguéla, Fudido de Merda, Bandido Virgem, Desvairido do Saco Mucho!

Por: Dercy Gonçalves! Que Deus a Tenha!
Dercy Gonçalves